Closing Nature’s Cycle.

“I need to regenerate!” I hear myself and others saying quite regularly. But I guess what we actually mean is that we need to rest, to recharge. To step back and look inwards. To reflect. To close nature’s cycle.


Nature takes a deep breath before she brings out new growth and energy in spring, matures in summer, and harvests in autumn.

The full cycle is regeneration. Not just the resting.

If it’s new shoots or new ideas, we need this cycle as well. Hourly, daily, monthly, yearly. We follow the same rhythm – sometimes in faster and sometimes in longer loops.

To regenerate means to follow the full cycle. We need “rest” as part of our regeneration. We need to let go of things, thoughts, projects, “productivity”.

We need to rest to be ourselves.

After long days of connecting to humans, a new space, and especially new topics my senses are overfilled and I need to step back and ground myself.

Within myself.

I know this and yet keep forgetting it. Everything is a practice.

Pruning tomatoes for a friend gave me a moment to step out of the noise and the intensive days. And rest for a moment.

I love pruning tomatoes.

Wintering in warm summer temperatures.


How do you complete the cycle? What works for you to ground yourself, to rest? How do you nurture the connection to yourself?

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