
There was a time in my life when I loved watching football. Partly because I was interested in the sport. Mostly because it was a chance to truly feel. 

So many intense emotions are shared at the same time with friends and strangers alike – if it is in the stadium or just watching at a garden party. 

When people share their passion and openly share their emotions, it gets me. Every time. There are few chances in our modern world for it. And I try to be fully in them as often as I can.

“Be professional, this has nothing to do with your work”, I heard more than once said towards me or someone around. 

We play roles, we try to fit in. We leave part of ourselves at home, or not even at home. Sometimes we need video games, costumes, and conventions to truly feel like ourselves. To show ourselves. 

“What will the others think.”

Sports is one part that still allows us just to be. Loud, direct, intense. 

I want more of this. Not just during a championship tournament. But when we meet. 

When we laugh, cry, and feel anger together. When we have difficult conversations with all our different opinions, but we listen and can have these conversations without the need to convince the other one. 

When we don’t need to be right, we just need to be. We just need to be heard. 

So, what has this today with Leon looking at grasses with a beer in his hand?

Last night, I totally forgot about football because there were grasses to look at and good company to share conversations and laughter and a palinka with. 

And it felt good.

But I did watch the reply this morning. And was a little emotional.