Someone told me lately that I could easily feed ChatGTP with a couple of sentences and words and would get handfuls of blog posts within seconds. Content well written to be published to create traction and more business. 

What did we become, I sometimes wonder. 

I like the thinking, drafting, re-writing, and re-thinking. Sometimes over days, sometimes over weeks. This first draft I wrote on a morning in France about 5 weeks ago before getting up the hill to build new fences for the sheep.

And why is AI getting all the fun jobs?

Editing photos, writing scripts, composing music. Creativity and art. This is what makes our species our species. Engaging for hours in an activity that is not directly related to food or shelter.

Yet, the promise of technology to make our lives better, to save us, is still going strong and taking over more and more aspects that make us humans humans. 

But, even if it did work, would this be the way?

We have so much more access to information and at the same time losing more and more of our abilities. More information and less abilities gives us a sense of helplessness, of being overwhelmed. Which so often leads to fear, anger, or violence. Or the wish for more control of “someone who understands this better than me”.

What we lost and we are currently losing in this even faster process is worrying me.

The ability to sit down and read, write, and think. The ability to dive into and focus onto work – a piece of furniture, a play with natural fibers, a garden bed, a new setup for fences, or a new workshop. 

The ability to critically think and put thoughts together. The ability to hold the space even if we do not have the same opinion.

To actually come out the other side slightly changed. 

What if we reclaim it?

Doing deep, slow work is our chance to connect with ourselves and our abilities. To regain abilities while strengthening our minds. To regain connections with our community.

So, would I ask AI for help with this?

F%#*k, no.
I’m writing this to learn something. 

What deep, slow work did you engage in lately? 🌱