Regenerative agriculture is loud! Better and faster solutions, technologies, tools, and convincing outcomes. More and more are part of it and less against it. How could you?

We need to be better and we better be fast!

Is that regeneration?

I recently read that around 40 acres of fossil biomass make about 1 gallon of fossil fuel we are currently burning. That’s about four hectares of past-time solar energy per liter. The same analysis by ecologist Jeff Duke comes to the assessment that the amount of plants – that went into the fossil fuels we burnt since the Industrial Revolution – equals all plants grown on earth for around 13,300 years.

Moving with the speed of life.

We’ve been putting a lot of ancient solar energy in the form of machines, fuel, and chemistry into our landscapes to get consistently more out of them – compared to what would have been possible with the speed of life by sun, wind, water, plants, animals and our own work.

Ah, but that’s changing, right?

With lots of energy, we are creating, manufacturing, and improving technologies which will keep our speed and our yields up with ‘green energy’ and ‘green solutions’. We’re sustainable now!

Well, no matter how we phrase it, we still add more energy into a place, a landscape, or a region than it can keep up or handle by itself afterward.

Carrying capacity.

In a regenerative system, the energy we initially put in needs to lead to abundance in a more and more healing and self-regulating system that won’t need these energy boosts from outside anymore.

Do we actually know what the carrying capacity is if we restore regional cycles?

Regenerative agriculture is quiet. Listen.

It’s about slowing down instead of racing towards solutions with a new tool or technology. It’s about asking questions and taking time to explore answers within my context.

It’s being connected with the landscape and all its new and ancient communities to find what truly works here.

It’s about being genuinely happy about my neighbor’s success because we know the abundance that is possible with the energy of landscape and community.

Regeneration is about moving with the speed of life.