We are driving to Sweden, long hours behind and some before us. Hours sprinkled with stops along lakes, coffee breaks underneath pine trees, and sing-a-longs in the car.
One thought keeps coming back to me on these curvy roads through endless forests. More a theme than a thought.
A deep longing for a place to belong to. Home.
A topic that made me travel far and around the globe to see if home was somewhere else. Or what others considered home. I often said that I’m taking home with me like the nomads.
But is that so?
Most nomads usually move within the same region and do not travel very far. They usually circle around a large area. From home to home.
I’ve been listening to a podcast with @seth.hughes , who I have “met” in a group call a couple of weeks ago. I had never heard of him before, yet listening to him touched me.
Seth and others like Roni, host of the podcast, bring a yearning for our roots, our ancestry, and our belonging back to European landscapes. Something I had been looking for around the world and had admired in different places.
What Seth said was nothing new to me, nothing I didn’t hear from mentors and friends before. But it felt like I finally clicked.
I keep sharing the idea that we need to hear something from 3 different sources to start our process of transformation.
If it’s about grazing systems, our farm’s purpose, or the believe of what our work is and what not, when there’s whisper for change. When a part inside of us already knows we can’t continue like this. When we know we need to tackle the challenges ahead of us differently than before.
Three times from three different trusted sources and we start to change things.
Incredibly fitting so many times. And maybe Seth was my number 3.
“You have to commit to a place and give back. Being indigenous is not just given to you because you want it. It’s given to you when you choose to commit to land.”
My mind comes back to the road.
The road leads north.