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This was my start.

This was it. I had just finished books on market gardening and my first Holistic Management training, and wanted to do something while still living in

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This morning, everything feels different. Well, not everything. Something and something significant.  The last weeks have been a sequence of ups and downs. For feelings

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When one becomes many.

Four days, six people. Mostly manual work. Preserving what can be preserved as cuts, ground beef, glass-jar-meat, tallow, jelly, and broth.  The house smells like

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A place to belong.

We are driving to Sweden, long hours behind and some before us. Hours sprinkled with stops along lakes, coffee breaks underneath pine trees, and sing-a-longs

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Just for joy.

I have an envelope. It’s a bit battered and held together by a rubber band, sticky notes all around. The top reads “For Joy and

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